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Decide How Many Participants to Invite and How Many Responses are Expected in Surveys

Determine How Many Survey Participants to Invite

When surveying a population, Survey Administrators want to make sure they have a representative population to draw meaningful insights from. This means sending survey invites to a large enough pool of individuals to yield a significant number of participants.

Different surveys have varying levels of response, too. For example, mandatory surveys like those pertaining to certification or compliance naturally have higher response rates than a non-mandatory surveys such as a customer suggestion survey.

Avoid Over-Surveying

A knee-jerk reaction in deciding how many survey participants to invite is to invite them all.

However, if you need to do several surveys throughout the year, sending would-be participants too many invites can damage your survey relationships and lead to survey fatigue.

It is essential to look at the “big picture” of your survey initiatives before sending out too many invitations so there survey trust and confidence on the part of your participants.