Survey Reports

Zarca’s comprehensive survey reporting section offers 11 Power Reports to cater to a range of data analysis needs.

Report Type Description
Bar Graph Aggregates survey data from all questions answered.
Cross Tab Allows for the cross-tabulation of two or three questions in the survey. Actual counts and percentages are provided.
Individual Allows for the Survey Administrator to view the complete responses for individual survey respondents.
All Verbatim Displays only the survey results collected in open-ended text fields of the survey.
Quick View Displays only the count of the number of times each answer for a question in the survey was selected.
Conditional Allows the Survey Administrator to use a combination of filters to disaggregate the data collected.
Pivot Table Allows for the cross-tabulation of one question against any combination of questions in the web surveys.
Comparison Allows for the side-by-side comparison of survey data collected at different periods of time.
Response Table Allows the Survey Administrator to view how all the respondents answered each of the selected questions in the web surveys.
Frequency Table Allows the Survey Administrator to view the frequencies for data collected in the survey questions.
Statistical Report Allows for the Survey Administrator to compare the statistics of a specific subset of the survey results with the statistics of a complete dataset.