Survey Branding

Survey branding ensures your organization positions itself with a consistent image. Zarca offers users a range of options to fine tune the appearance of surveys.

+Color Settings

Three options for simple color modification and survey branding :

Match Template to Website

Enter the URL of your organization’s website and the system fetches the most widely-used color combinations.

Color Palette

Choose colors from a comprehensive palette.

Hex Color Code

Enter your organization’s hex color codes in the color forms and the system will fill them in.

Survey Branding

+Add Logos

Inserting an organization’s logo into a survey is another important aspect of legitimizing a survey to its participants.

To add a logo, users can:

  • Upload a new logo
  • Copy/paste image URL

+Default Templates

In the interest of saving time, users can also simply select one of many pre-designed templates. The list of survey templates covers the spectrum of color schemes, so users are sure to find one that closely matches their organization’s color combinations.

Survey Branding